1. J9九游会·(中国)真人游戏第一品牌


      王硕博士—Detection and attribution of emerging weather and climate extremes for supporting climate adaptation and resilience


        报告题目:Detection and attribution of emerging weather and climate extremes for supporting climate adaptation and resilience 

        报告人:王 硕 助理教授 
        邀请人:陈 晋  教授
        时 间:2023年5月31日(周三)14:00-18:00
        地 点:北京师范大学 生地楼180
                王硕,博士,香港理工大学助理教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为水文和气候学,包括气候变化对极端水文事件的影响、极端天气气候事件的演化规律、变化特征及其驱动机制等。主持国家自然科学基金(NSFC)、香港研究资助局科学基金(RGC)、环境及自然保育基金(ECF)、公共政策研究资助计划(PPR)、加拿大国家自然科学和工程研究委员会(NSERC)项目等。以第一/通讯作者在Nature Communications、Geophysical Research Letters、Water Resources Research等高水平期刊发表论文50余篇,并被Nature遴选为研究亮点予以报道。担任水文领域Top期刊Journal of Hydrology副主编(Associate Editor)。
                According to the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the human-induced climate change has been accelerating the global water cycle. The intensified water cycle leads to an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather and climate events such as droughts and floods, posing a significant threat to human societies and natural systems. In response to the devastating impacts of global climate change, the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), held from 6 to 18 November 2022 in Egypt, brought together countries from around the world to increase ambition and strengthen commitments on climate change adaptation and resilience. In this talk, I will present our recent work on the detection and attribution of the emerging risk of extreme weather and climate events including flash droughts and compound events. I will talk about the spatiotemporal characteristics and dynamics of such emerging extreme events as well as associated driving mechanisms.