



      报告题目:Quantifying the dynamic and complex impacts of climate change on long-term productivity and carbon stocks in different forest ecosystems

      报告人:徐志红 教授(Griffith University)



      报告人简介:Zhihong Xu is Director, Environmental Futures Centre and Professor of Plant and Soil Systems, School of Biomolecular and Physical Sciences.  Prof Xu has published more than 232 refereed journal and conference papers and 2 books, with 85 refereed papers (including 82 journal papers) published in the last five years. He has secured more than $20M of external funding support, with most coming from national competitive grants. Professor Xu is the Editor-in-Chief  (Soils) of – J. Soils Sediments [an average SCI IF of 2.844 for the 5 years between 2007 and 2011, No. 2 in the 32 Soil Science journals according to the 5 year average SCI IF, just after the 3.046 for Soil Biol. Biochem], Editor of Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. [SCI IF 2011: 2.651], Consulting Editor of Plant Soil [SCI IF 2011: 2.733], Academic Editor of the new on-line, open access biological and life science journal – PeerJ, and member of the Editorial Board of Pedosphere (SCI IF 2011: 1.161); and regularly reviews manuscripts for 60 refereed internationals in the areas on environmental science, forestry and soil science. Prof Xu has secured numerous national competitive grants and frequently serves on the assessment board for national grant applications and university and research institute promotions. Prof Xu was a member of Australian Research Council (ARC) College of Experts (2008-2010) and of the ARC Research Evaluation Committee for the 2012 Excellence in Research for Australia. 
