

Chuanrong Zhang 副教授——j9游会真人游戏第一品牌科学国家重点j9游会真人游戏第一品牌2015年系列学术讲座之四、五

        报告题目:  Effective techniques to fill gaps in Landsat ETM+  imagery
  报告人: Chuanrong Zhang  副教授(康涅狄格大学)
  Chuanrong Zhang received the Ph.D. degree in geography from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, in 2004. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Geography & Center of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs. She has several years of working experiences in computer companies. Zhang is a broadly trained geographer with substantive interests in geospatial technologies. In particular, her research concentrate on  geographical information science (GIS), remote sensing, geo-spatial statistics, geocomputation, GIS Cyberinfrastructure, and their applications in land use/cover studies, climate change, managing disasters and natural resources, landscape ecology. environmental planning, as well as transportation studies.
        报告题目: Remote sensing of gravity with most recent dedicated satellite missions
  报告人简介 Lorant Foldvary(Associate Professor from Alba Regia Technical Faculty, Obuda University)
  Lorant Foldvary has graduated at the Technical University of Budapest in 1996 and received his PhD from Kyoto University in 2001. He has worked at the Technical University of Munich for 3 years (2002-2004), the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2005-2015), and now he is employed by the Obuda University as associate professor. He was a visiting researcher at the Onio State University in 2009 for 4 months, at the Stuttgart University (2010, 3 months) and at the China University of Geosciences, Beijing (2014, 3 months). His research interest is satellite geodesy (with particular focus on gravity satellites), gravimetry (gravimetric networks, relative gravimeters and torsion balance) and geophysical interpretation of gravity (mass prism modeling, ice mass balance analysis, hydrological mass transport). He has published more than reviewed 50 scientific papers so far; for full publication list see: http://vm.mtmt.hu//search/slist.php?lang=0&AuthorID=10002581
  地点: 中科院j9游会真人游戏第一品牌所A座503