

Jeff Dozier教授——j9游会真人游戏第一品牌科学国家重点j9游会真人游戏第一品牌2016年系列学术讲座是三十四、三十五

  报告题目一: Machine Learning on Images: Combining Passive Microwave and Optical Data to Estimate Snow Water Equivalent in Afghanistan’s Hindu Kush
  报告题目二: Validating Snow Water Equivalent Reconstruction in California’s Sierra Nevada Using Measurements from the NASA Airborne Snow Observatory.
  报告人:Jeff Dozier教授(美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校---UCSB)
  时间:2016年8月5日  9:30-10:30
  地点:中科院j9游会真人游戏第一品牌地球所(奥运园区)B202 j9游会真人游戏第一品牌科学国家重点j9游会真人游戏第一品牌学术报告厅
  报告人简介: Jeff Dozier, Distinguished Professor – Snow Hydrology, Earth System Science, Remote Sensing PhD, MS, Geography, University of Michigan; BA, Geography, California State University, Hayward. Jeff Dozier has been on the UCSB faculty since 1974 and was the founding dean of the Bren School. He has led interdisciplinary studies in two areas: one addresses hydrologic science, environmental engineering, and social science in the water environment; the other is in the integration of environmental science and remote sensing with computer science and technology. From 1990-92, he was the senior project scientist for NASA’s Earth Observing System, when the configuration for the system was established.  Among Dr. Dozier's honors are the 2009 Jim Gray Award from Microsoft for his achievements in data-intensive science and his selection as the 2010 Nye Lecturer for the Cryosphere group of the American Geophysical Union. A long-time backcountry skier, mountaineer, and rock climber, he helped lead six expeditions to the Hindu Kush range in Afghanistan and has a dozen first ascents there. The story behind the naming of Dozier Dome in the Sierra Nevada can be found in the Super Topo Climbing Forum. He has published more than 300 papers, and H-index = 52.