


        报告题目:Remote sensing of aerosol optical properties using multi-wavelength and multi-pixel information over the ocean

  报告人:石崇 (Dr. SHI Chong) (JAXA / EORC)

  邀请人:胡斯勒图 研究员

  时间:2018年9月26日 上午 10:00  



  报告内容:The IPCC has identified aerosols as among the most uncertainty factors to radiative forcing. Since the ocean covers more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, it is dispensable to estimate the aerosol loading over the ocean. Even though the contributions from the aerosol account for a large proportion of satellite signals in the atmosphere-ocean system, there is still about 50% discrepancy of the mean aerosol optical thickness from several prominent aerosol products provided by the satellite instruments. In this talk, I shall present our recent work related to the developments of a new remote sensing algorithm for the simultaneous retrieval of aerosol optical properties and water leaving radiance over the open and costal ocean using multispectral information, as well as an oceanic radiative transfer model and an acceleration scheme from the Neutral Network method. Finally, a promising scheme considering the spatial smoothness constraints for the aerosol retrieval, i.e., multi-pixel scheme, which has and will be used in current and next Japan carbon satellite instruments GOSAT_CAI / GOSAT2_CAI2, will be also introduced.
