

Ronald van der A ——j9游会真人游戏第一品牌科学国家重点j9游会真人游戏第一品牌2019年系列学术讲座之十

        报告题目:NOX and SO2 emissions from OMI and TROPOMI

  报告人:Ronald van der A (KNMI / 南京信息工程大学)

  邀请人:陈良富   研究员


  地点:奥运园区 B202

  报告内容:NOX and SO2 emissions from OMI are analyzed for their spatial and temporal variability over China in the last 12 years and these results will be discussed.

  Since February 2018 NO2 observations became routinely available from the TROPOMI instrument on the S5p. For this a snow-cloud differentiation method has been developed to drastically increase the number of observations over snow surfaces, like Norther China in winter and regions in the Himalaya mountains. To better exploit the high resolution NO2 observations of TROPOMI, we have adapted our inverse algorithm DECSO (Daily Emission estimates Constrained by Satellite Observations) for NOx emissions to perform at a higher spatial resolution of 0.125 x 0.125 degree. The results will be demonstrated for emissions over the Iberian peninsula and over West Siberia. The latter domain showed some unexpected emissions along the Russian gas pipelines.

  In addition, a new SO2 inversion algorithm for use with TROPOMI SO2 observations is under development and the first results will be shown. 
