1. J9九游会·(中国)真人游戏第一品牌


      IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society 2016 Summer School (GR4S), July 8-9 2016, Beijing


      The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society 2016 Summer School (GR4S) will be held on July 8-9 2016, in Beijing (China). Beijing Normal University has a history in providing very successful and appreciated Summer Schools on Land Surface Satellite Data Inversion and Applications: the sixth edition – "Beijing 2016 International Summer School on Land Remote Sensing Inversion and Applications" – will merge into the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society 2016 Summer School (GR4S), on the occasion of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2016, or IGARSS 2016 – "Advancing the understanding of our living planet", which will be held the following week (July 10-15) in Beijing.

      Remote sensing using Earth-orbiting satellites, is one of the most effective tools for providing data that help researchers address global issues. In the past few decades, advances in remote sensing technology have greatly enhanced the potential applications of satellite data in many fields. To improve the predictive capabilities of global and regional models at different scales, address climate and various environmental changes, and assist various decision support systems, satellite raw observations need to be transferred into high-level products. A general trend is that the data centers are distributing more high-level products rather than the raw satellite imagery.

      Beijing Normal University has undertaken several projects to produce the Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) products. The long-term, high-quality GLASS dataset is now freely available worldwide. Two references books on the GLASS products “Advanced Remote Sensing: Terrestrial Information Extraction and Applications” and “Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Products: Algorithm, validation and application” are accessible to the public.

      This year’s Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Summer School will offer to the attendees an opportunity to understand sophisticated information extraction methods, satellite products generation, and an exploration on the use and analysis of satellite products in a dynamic way to the purpose of addressing environmental issues. A group of world-leading experts will deliver the lectures on these topics.

      The focus will be on Masters, PhD students and early scientists dealing with remote sensing and geosciences topics. The summer school is a contribution by the GRSS towards human capital development internationally, with a further objective of attracting the next generation of practitioners – today’s students - to become aware of GRSS and its benefits.

      Interested students are encouraged to send their filled registration form to the following email address by June 3rd:


      website: http://glassdata.bnu.edu.cn/en/shuqi.php
