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  • 姓名:曹春香
  • 性别:
  • 专家类别:研究员
  • 所属部门:j9游会真人游戏第一品牌科学国家重点j9游会真人游戏第一品牌
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  •   曹春香 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院二级研究员兼博士生导师,环境健康j9游会真人游戏第一品牌诊断交叉学科方向首席科学家,创立了j9游会真人游戏第一品牌科学国家重点j9游会真人游戏第一品牌环境健康j9游会真人游戏第一品牌研究室,开设了中国科学院大学的环境健康j9游会真人游戏第一品牌诊断博士生精品课程;发表SCI论文120余篇,主持或参与国家及部委等项目40余项;获软件著作权12项,申请/获得专利14项;出版专著或合著15本;培养本土和留学生50余名;现任国家重大科学计划评委,中国湿地保护协会理事,《中国植物保护百科全书·综合卷》 编纂委员会编委,《Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk》副主编等;曾任j9游会真人游戏第一品牌应用研究所科技处处长、主任等;曾受邀到美国、日本、法国等国的科研院所进行科技交流。


    2003.12-至今 公共卫生空间信息技术应用研究中心 执行主任

    2019.12-至今 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院 研究员

    2013.11-2019.05中国科学院j9游会真人游戏第一品牌与数字地球研究所j9游会真人游戏第一品牌科学国家重点j9游会真人游戏第一品牌环境健康j9游会真人游戏第一品牌 研究室主任 研究员

    2012.04-2013.03中国科学院j9游会真人游戏第一品牌与数字地球研究所 创新研究员

    2008.01-2012.04中国科学院j9游会真人游戏第一品牌应用研究所 创新研究员

    2000.01-2008.12 中国科学院j9游会真人游戏第一品牌应用研究所 项目研究员

    1986.08-1993.03 内蒙古呼和浩特市赛汗区林业局 工程师


  • 环境健康j9游会真人游戏第一品牌诊断


  • (1)青海东昆仑成矿带j9游会真人游戏第一品牌快速探测技术项目 负责人 地方科技攻关 2006.10—2012.02
    (2)双色红外环境健康诊断系统研发项目 负责人 院重点 2013.05—2019.12
    (3)典型应用领域全球定量j9游会真人游戏第一品牌产品生产体系项目 课题负责人 国家任务 2013.01—2018.07
    (4)“树流感”爆发风险j9游会真人游戏第一品牌诊断与预警研究项目 负责人 国家任务 2015.01—2019.12
    (5)三峡库区生态屏障区生态效益监测技术项目 课题负责人 国家任务 2016.01—2017.12
    (6)林草适宜度j9游会真人游戏第一品牌诊断模型研究项目 负责人 国家任务  2019.11—2023.12


  • (1)国家林业局调查规划设计院优秀成果一等奖(2013)、鞍山市科技进步一等奖(2013)


  • 1)学术论文

    [115]Xie B, Cao C, Xu M, et al. Improved Forest Canopy Closure Estimation Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery within Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(9): 2051.

    [114]Bashir B, Cao C, Xie B, et al. Unfolding the Success of Positive Human Interventions in Combating Land Degradation. Forests, 2022, 13(6): 818.

    [113]Xu M, Cao C, Guo H, et al. Exploring the association between infectious diarrheal diseases and sea surface temperatures—coastal areas of China, 2009–2018. China CDC Weekly, 2022, 4(7): 126.

    [112]Shen X, Jiang M, Lu X, et al. Aboveground biomass and its spatial distribution pattern of herbaceous marsh vegetation in China. Science China Earth Sciences, 2021, 64(7): 1115-1125.

    [111]Xie, B., Cao, C., Xu, M., Duerler, R.S., Yang, X., Bashir, B., Chen, Y., & Wang, K.. Analysis of Regional Distribution of Tree Species Using Multi-Seasonal Sentinel-1&2 Imagery within Google Earth Engine. Forests, 2021,12, 565

    [110]Y. Chen, C. Cao*, Y. Cao,B. Bashir, M. Xu, B. Xie, K. Wang. Observed evidence of the growing contributions to aerosol pollution of wildfires with diverse spatiotemporal distinctions in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 298 :126860.

    [109]Min Xu, Chunxiang Cao, Xin Zhang, Hui Lin, Zhong Yao*, Shaobo Zhong, Zhibin Huang,Duerler Robert Shea. Fine-Scale Space-Time Cluster Detection of COVID-19 in Mainland China Using Retrospective Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 3583.

    [108]Xiaojuan Lin,Min Xu, Chunxiang Cao,Yongfeng Dang,Barjeece Bashir,Bo Xie, Zhibin Huang. Estimates of Forest Canopy Height Using a Combination of ICESat-2/ATLAS Data and Stereo-Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing. 2020,21(12).

    [107]Bashir, Barjeece; Cao, Chunxiang; Joharestani, Mehdi Zamani; Bo, Xie; Mumtaz, Faisal. Spatio-Temporal Vegetation Dynamic and Persistence under Climatic and Anthropogenic Factors. Remote Sensing. 2020,12(16).

    [106]Min Xu, Chunxiang Cao, Peng Jia. Mapping Fine-Scale Urban Spatial Population Distribution Based on High-Resolution Stereo Pair Images, Points of Interest, and Land Cover Data. Remote Sens. 2020, 12(4), 608.

    [105]Bo Xie, Chunxiang Cao, Min Xu, Barjeece Bashir, Ramesh P. Singh, Zhibin Huang and Xiaojuan Lin. Regional Forest Volume Estimation by Expanding LiDAR Samples Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Data. Remote Sens. 2020, 12(3), 360.

    [104]Zhibin Huang, Chunxiang Cao, Wei Chen, Min Xu, Yongfeng Dang, Ramesh P. Singh, Barjeece Bashir, Bo Xie and Xiaojuan Lin. Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation Dynamic Changes after Fire in the Greater Hinggan Mountain Area: The Algorithm and Application for Eliminating Phenological Impacts. Remote Sens. 2020, 12(1), 156.

    [103]Xiliang Ni, Min Xu, Chunxiang Cao, Wei Chen, Bin Yang, Bo Xie. Forest height estimation and change monitoring based on artificial neural network using Geoscience Laser Altimeter System and Landsat data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 2019, 14(2): 1931-3195.

    [102]Xie, Bo, Chunxiang Cao, Wei Chen, and Bing Yu. Prediction and Analysis of the Potential Risk of Sudden Oak Death in China. Journal of Forestry Research, 2019,30, 2357–2366.

    [101]Acharya, B. K.; Chen, W.; Ruan, Z.; Pant, G. P.; Yang, Y.; Shah, L. P.; Cao, C. X.; Xu, Z.; Dhimal, M.; Lin, H. L., Mapping Environmental Suitability of Scrub Typhus in Nepal Using MaxEnt and Random Forest Models,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2019,16, 4845.

    [100]Min Xu, Haibing Xiang, Hongquan Yun, Xiliang Ni, Wei Chen, Chunxiang Cao. Retrieval of forest canopy height jointly using airborne LiDAR and ALOS PALSAR Data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 2019, 14(2).

    [99]Yang Tianyu, Cao Chunxiang, Guo Jianhong, Xu Min, Tian Haijing. Analysis of factors evident in the relation between railways and the incidence of dysentery using linear regression. GEOMATICS NATURAL HAZARDS & RISK. 2019,10(1):1459-1474.

    [98]Chen W, Cao C, Liu D, Tian R, Wu C, Wang Y, Qian Y, Ma G, Bao D. An evaluating system for wetland ecological health: Case study on nineteen major wetlands in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China. ci Total Environ. 2019 May 20;666:1080-1088.

    [97]Mingbo Liu , Chunxiang Cao, Wei Chen and Xuejun Wang. Mapping Canopy Heights of Poplar Plantations in Plain Areas Using ZY3-02 Stereo and Multispectral Data. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019, 8(3), 106.

    [96]Joharestani, Mehdi Zamani; Cao, Chunxiang; Ni, Xiliang; Bashir, Barjeece; Talebiesfandarani, Somayeh. PM2.5 Prediction Based on Random Forest, XGBoost, and Deep Learning Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data. ATMOSPHERE,2019,10(7): 2073-4433.

    [95]Liu, Mingbo,Cao, Chunxiang,Dang, Yongfeng. Mapping Forest Canopy Height in Mountainous Areas Using ZiYuan-3 Stereo Images and Landsat Data. FORESTS. 2019,10(2): 1999-4907

    [94]Bao, Shanning; Cao, Chunxiang; Chen, Wei; Yang, Tianyu; Wu, Chunying. Towards a subtropical forest spectral library: spectra consistency and spectral separability. GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL,2019, 1010-6049.

    [93]Acharya BK,Cao C, Lakes T, Chen W, Naeem S. Pandit S, Modeling the spatiallyvarying risk factors of dengue fever in Jhapa district Nepal using the semi parametric geographically weighted regression model, International Journal of Biometrology. pp:1-14. http://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-018-1601-8

    [92]Acharya, BK.; Cao, C.; Xu, M.; Khanal, L.; Naeem, S.; Pandit, S. Present and Future of Dengue Fever in Nepal: Mapping Climatic Suitability by Ecological Niche Model. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public. Health. 2018, 15, 187, doi:10.3390/ijerph15020187.

    [91]Chen W, Cao C, Fang Z, et al. Potential Occurrence Risk Prediction of Sudden Oak Death Under Different Future Climate Scenarios Based on SVM Model[C]//IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 2018: 5228-5231.

    [90]Bipin Kumar Acharya, Chunxiang CaoMin XuWei Chen,  Shreejana Pandit. Spatiotemporal Distribution and Geospatial Diffusion Patterns of 2013 Dengue Outbreak in Jhapa District, Nepal. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2018, doi: 10.1177/1010539518769809

    [89]Bipin Kumar Acharya ID , Chunxiang Cao, Min Xu, Laxman Khanal D Shahid Naeem,Shreejana Pandit.Temporal Variations and Associated Remotely Sensed Environmental Variables of Dengue Fever in Chitwan District, Nepal. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 275; doi:10.3390/ijgi7070275

    [88]Shahid Naeem, Chunxiang Cao, Waqas Ahmed Qazi, Mehdi Zamani, Chen Wei Bipin Kumar Acharya and Asid Ur Rehman, “Studying the Association between Green Space Characteristics and Land Surface Temperature for Sustainable Urban Environments: An Analysis of Beijing and Islamabad”. ISPRS Int. J Geo-Inf. 2018;7(2):38.

    [87]Shahid Naeem, Chunxiang Cao, Mirza Muhammad Waqar, Chen Wei and Bipin Kumar Acharya. “Vegetation role in controlling the eco-environmental conditions for sustainable urban environments: a comparison of Beijing and Islamabad”. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 2018;12(1):1.

    [86]Shahid Naeem, Chunxiang Cao, Khunsa Fatima, Omaid Najmuddin and Bipin Kumar Acharya, “Landscape Greening Policies-Based Land Use / Land Cover Simulation for Beijing and Islamabad-An Implication of Sustainable Urban Ecosystems”, Sustainability .2018,10(4), 1049

    [85]Boonprong, S.; Cao, C.; Chen, W.; Ni, X.; Xu, M.; Acharya, B.K.     The Classification of Noise-Afflicted Remotely Sensed Data Using Three Machine-Learning Techniques: Effect of Different Levels and Types of Noise on Accuracy. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 274.

    [84]Xie B., Cao C., Chen W., et al. Prediction and analysis of the potential risk of sudden oak death in China[J]. Journal of Forestry Research, 2018, 10.1007/s11676-018-0755-x:

    [83]Lin, X.; Xu, M.; Cao, C.; P. Singh, R.; Chen, W.; Ju, H. Land-Use/Land-Cover Changes and Their Influence on the Ecosystem in Chengdu City, China during the Period of 1992–2018. Sustainability 2018, 10.. 10.3390/su10103580

    [82]Zhibin Huang , Min Xu , Wei Chen , Xiaojuan Lin , Chunxiang Cao, Ramesh P. Singh. Postseismic Restoration of the Ecological Environment in the Wenchuan Region Using Satellite Data. Sustainability. 2018, 10(11): 1-16

    [81]Wei Chen, Chunxiang Cao, Jian Zhao, Haijing Tian. Shrub biomass estimation in semi-arid sandland ecosystem based on remote sensing technology. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2018.16:e00479.

    [80]Wei Chen, Houzhi Jiang, Kazuyuki Moriya, Tetsuro Sakai, Chunxiang Cao. Monitoring of post-fire forest regeneration under different restoration treatments based on ALOS/PALSAR data. New Forests, 2018, 49(1): 105-121.

    [79]Ni, X.; Cao, C.; Zhou, Y.; Cui, X.; P. Singh, R. Spatio-Temporal Pattern Estimation of PM2.5 in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on MODIS AOD and Meteorological Data Using the Back Propagation Neural Network. Atmosphere 2018, 9, 105.

    [78]Chunying Wu, Wei Chen, Chunxiang Cao, Rong Tian, Di Liu, Daming Bao. Diagnosis of Wetland Ecosystem Health in the Zoige Wetland, Sichuan of China. Wetlands, 2018 (3) :1-16.

    [77]Boonprong, S.; Cao, C.; Chen, W.; Bao, S. Random Forest Variable Importance Spectral Indices Scheme for Burnt Forest Recovery Monitoring—Multilevel RF-VIMP. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 807.

    [76]Insom P, Cao C, Boonsrimuang P, et al. The dynamics of wetland cover change using a state estimation technique applied to time-series remote sensing imagery. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2017, 8(2): 1662-1677.

    [75]Xiliang Ni, Chunxiang Cao, Yuke Zhou, Lin Ding et al. Estimation of Forest Biomass Patterns across Northeast China Based on Allometric Scale Relationship. Forests, 2017, 8(8), 288. (SCI)

    [74]Chen Wei, Jiang H. Z., Moriya K., Sakai T., Cao C. X. Monitoring of post-fire forest regeneration under different restoration treatments based on ALOS/PALSAR data. New Forests, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s11056-017-9608-2. (SCI)

    [73]Di Liu, C.X. Cao, O. Dubovyk, R. Tian, W. Chen, Q.F. Zhuang, Y.J. Zhao, G. Menz. Using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for spatio-temporal analysis of eco-environmental vulnerability change during 1990–2010 in Sanjiangyuan region, China. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 73: 612-625. (SCI)

    [72]Wei Chen, Chunxiang Cao et al. Retrieval and comparison of forest Leaf Area Index based on remote sensing data from AVNIR-2, Landsat-5 TM, MODIS, and PALSAR sensors. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6(6), 179. (SCI)

    [71]Boonprong, S.; Cao, C.; Torteeka, P.; Chen, W. A Novel Classification Technique of Landsat-8 OLI Image-Based Data Visualization: The Application of Andrews’ Plots and Fuzzy Evidential Reasoning. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 427.(SCI)

    [70]Chen Xue-juan, Wu Xiang, Yuan Zhong-qiang, Chen Xiang, Zhang Yu-wu and Cao Chun-xiang. Spectral characteristics and species identification of rhododendrons using a discriminative restricted Boltzmann machine. Spectroscopy Letters, 50(2): 65-72.2017.(SCI)

    [69]Bao S, Cao C, Chen W, et al. Mulberry Identification Based on Spectral Derivative and Support Vector Machine[C]//IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 2018: 5315-5318.

    [68]Bao S, Cao C, Chen W, et al. Spectral Features and Separability of Alpine Wetland Grass Species in the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Spectroscopy Letters, 2017, 50(5) (SCI)

    [67]Zhu Z, Piao S, Myneni R B, Huang, MT, Zeng, ZZ , Canadell, JG, Ciais, P, Sitch, S , Friedlingstein, P , Arneth, A, Cao, CX, et al. Greening of the Earth and its drivers[J]. Nature Climate Change, 2016, 6(8). (SCI)

    [66]Yin H, Cao C, Xu M, et al. Long-term snow disasters during 1982–2012 in the Tibetan Plateau using satellite data[J]. Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk ,2016:1-12.(SCI)

    [65]Zhao X, Cao C, Ni X, et al. Retrieval and application of leaf area index over China using HJ-1 data[J]. 2016:1-18.(SCI)

    [64]Liu D, Cao C, Chen W, et al. Monitoring and predicting the degradation of a semi-arid wetland due to climate change and water abstraction in the Ordos Larus relictus National Nature Reserve, China[J]. 2016:1-17.(SCI)

    [63]Acharya B K, Chunxiang Cao, Lakes T, et al. Spatiotemporal analysis of dengue fever in Nepal from 2010 to 2014[J]. Bmc Public Health, 2016, 16(1). (SCI)

    [62]Cao C, Ni X, Wang X, et al. Allometric scaling theory-based maximum forest tree height and biomass estimation in the Three Gorges reservoir region using multi-source remote-sensing data[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2016, 37(5):1210-1222.(SCI)

    [61]Xu M, Cao C, Li Q, et al. Ecological Niche Modeling of Risk Factors for H7N9 Human Infection in China. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2016, 13(6).(SCI)

    [60]Sungho Choi, Christopher P. Kempes, Taejin Park, Ganguly, Sangram, Wang, WeileXu, Liang, Basu, Saikat, Dungan, Jennifer L, Simard, Marc, Saatchi, Sassan S., Piao, Shilong, Ni, Xiliang, Shi, Yuli, Cao, Chunxiang et al. Application of the metabolic scaling theory and water–energy balance equation to model large-scale patterns of maximum forest canopy height[J]. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2016.(SCI)

    [59]Chunxiang Cao, Wei Chen, Sheng Zheng, Jian Zhao, Chaoyi Chang, Jinfeng Wang & Wuchun Cao. “Analysis of Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Pandemic SARS Spread in Mainland China”. BioMed Research International, 2016. (SCI)

    [58]Cao C, Yang B, Xu M, et al. Evaluation and analysis of post-seismic restoration of ecological security in Wenchuan using remote sensing and GIS. Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk, 2015:1-18.(SCI)

    [57]Xu M, Cao C X, Wang D C, et al. Environmental factor analysis of cholera in China using remote sensing and geographical information systems.. Epidemiology & Infection, 2015, -1(5):1-12.(SCI)

    [56]Patcharin Insom, Chunxiang Cao, Pisit Boonsrimuang, Di Liu, Apitach Saokarn, Peera Yomwan, and Yunfei Xu. A Support Vector Machine-Based Particle Filter Method for Improved Flooding Classification. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 2015, 12(9): 1943-1947.(SCI)

    [55]Bin Yang, Chunxiang Cao, Ying Xing, and Xiaowen Li. Automatic Classification of Remote Sensing Images Using Multiple Classifier Systems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 954086.(SCI)

      [54]S. Zheng, A. Pozzer, C. X. Cao, and J. Lelieveld. Long-term (2001–2012) concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2:5) and the impact on human health in Beijing, China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2015, 15: 5715–5725.(SCI)

    [53]Xiliang Ni, Yuke Zhou, Chunxiang Cao, Xuejun Wang, Yuli Shi, Taejin Park, Sungho Choi and Ranga B. Myneni. Mapping Forest Canopy Height over Continental China Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data, Remote Sensing, 2015, 7:8436-8452.(SCI)

    [52]Mengya Wang, Chunxiang Cao, Guoshuai Li, Ramesh P. Singh. Analysis of a severe prolonged regional haze episode in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 102:112-121.(SCI)

    [51]Chunxiang Cao, Haijing Tian, Yuxing Zhang, Yongfeng Dang, Xiliang Ni, Yunfei Xu, Min Xu, Xiaowen Li, Haibing Xiang and Tianyu Yang. Deriving Regional Crown Closure Using Spectral Mixture Analysis Based on Up-Scaling Endmember Extraction Approach and Validation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations & Remote Sensing, 2015:1-9.(SCI)

    [50]Haijing Tian, Chunxiang Cao, Wei Chen, Shanning Bao, Bin Yang, Ranga B. Myneni. Response of vegetation activity dynamic to climatic change and ecological restoration programs in Inner Mongolia from 2000 to 2012. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 82:276–289.(SCI)

    [49]Chunxiang Cao, Di Liu, Ramesh P. Singh, Sheng Zheng, Rong Tian & Haijing Tian. Integrated detection and analysis of earthquake disaster information using airborne data. Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk, 2015.(SCI)

    [48]PEERA YOMWAN, CHUNXIANG CAO, PREESAN RAKWATIN, WARAWUT SUPHAMITMONGKO, RONG TIAN and APITACH SAOKARN. A study of waterborne diseases during flooding using Radarsat-2 imagery and a back propagation neural network algorithm. Geomatics, Natural Hazards & Risk, 2015,6(4): 289-307.(SCI)

    [47]Chengdong Xu, Jinfeng Wang, Li Wang and Chunxiang Cao. Spatial pattern of severe acute respiratory syndrome in-out flow in 2003 in Mainland China. Bmc Infectious Diseases, 2014, 14:3843-3843.(SCI)

    [46]Min Xu, Chunxiang Cao, Duochun Wang and Biao Kan. Identifying Environmental Risk Factors of Cholera in a Coastal Area with Geospatial Technologies. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2014, 12(1):354-370.(SCI)

    [45]Wei Chen, Kazuyuki Moriya, Tetsuro Sakai, Lina Koyama, Chunxiang Cao. Post-fire forest regeneration under different restoration treatments in the Greater Hinggan Mountain area of China. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 70(3):304-311.(SCI)

    [44]Sheng Z, Cao C X, Singh R P. Comparison of ground based indices (API and AQI) with satellite based aerosol products. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 488:398-412.(SCI)

    [43]Xiliang Ni, Taejin Park, Sungho Choi, Yuli Shi, Chunxiang Cao, Xuejun Wang, Michael A. Lefsky, Marc Simard and Ranga B. Myneni. Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Tree Heights: Part 3. Model Optimization and Testing over Continental China. Remote Sensing, 2014, 6: 3533-3553.(SCI)

    [42]Wei Chen, Kazuyuki Moriya, Tetsuro Sakai, Lina Koyama and Chunxiang Cao. Monitoring of post-fire forest recovery under different restoration modes based on time series Landsat data. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014, 47(1):153-168.(SCI)

    [41]Chen W, Moriya K, Sakai T, L. Koyama & C.X. Cao. Mapping a burned forest area from Landsat TM data by multiple methods. Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk, 2014.(SCI)

    [40]S. ZHENG, C.X. CAO, Y.F. DANG, H.B. XIANG, J. ZHAO, Y.X. ZHANG, X.J. WANG, and H.W. GUO. Retrieval of forest growing stock volume by two different methods using Landsat TM images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014, 35(1): 29-43.(SCI)

    [39]S. ZHENG, C. X. CAO, J. Q. CHENG, Y. S. WU, X. XIE, M. XU. Epidemiological features of hand-foot-and-mouth disease in Shenzhen, China from 2008 to 2010.. Epidemiology & Infection, 2014, 142(8):1751-1762.(SCI)

    [38]Cao C, Zheng S, Singh R P. Characteristics of aerosol optical properties and meteorological parameters during three major dust events (2005–2010) over Beijing, China. Atmospheric Research, 2014, 150(1): 129-142.(SCI)

    [37]Fang Z, Cao C. Estimation of Forest Canopy Height Over Mountainous Areas Using Satellite Lidar. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations & Remote Sensing, 2014, 7(7): 3157-3166.(SCI)

    [36]Tian, Rong, Chunxiang Cao, Ling Peng, Guangren Ma, Daming Bao, Jianhong Guo, and Peera Yomwan. The use of HJ-1A/B satellite data to detect changes in the size of wetlands in response in to a sudden turn from drought to flood in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River system in China. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk ahead-of-print (2014): 1-21.(SCI)

    [35]Haijing Tian, Chunxiang Cao, Min Xu, Zaichun Zhu, Di Liu, Xiaoqin Wang, Shenghui Cui. Estimation of chlorophyll- a concentration in coastal waters with HJ-1A HSI data using a three-band bio-optical model and validation. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014, 35(16):5984-6003.(SCI)

    [34]J. Zhao, M. Xu, S.L. Lu, C.X. Cao. Human Settlement Evaluation in Mountain Areas Based on Remote Sensing, GIS and Ecological Niche Modeling. Journal of Mountain Science, 2013, 10(3):378-387.(SCI)

    [33]Wei Chen, Tetsuro Sakai, Kazuyuki Moriya, Lina Koyama, Chunxiang Cao. Estimation of Vegetation Coverage in Semi-arid Sandy Land Based on Multivariate Statistical Modeling Using Remote Sensing Data. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 2013:1-12.(SCI)

    [32]Hai-bing Xiang, Jin-song Liu, Chun-xiang Cao, Min Xu. Algorithms for Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer cloud-free image compositing. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2013, 7(21): 7874-7886.(SCI)

    [31]Jia Huicong, Pan Donghua, On the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Flood and Drought Hazards of China. Disaster Advances, 2013, 6(3): 12-18.(SCI)

    [30]Xu M. Cao C.X., Wang D.C., Kan B., Jia H.C., Xu Y.F., Li X.W. District prediction of cholera risk in China based on environmental factors. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013, 58(23): 2798-2804.(SCI)

    [29]Sungho Choi, Xiliang Ni, Yuli Shi, Sangram Ganguly, Gong Zhang, Hieu V. Duong, Michael A. Lefsky, Marc Simard, Sassan S. Saatchi, Shihyan Lee, Wenge Ni-Meister, Shilong Piao, Chunxiang Cao, Ramakrishna R. Nemani  and Ranga B. Myneni. Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Tree Heights: Part 2. Site based testing of the Model. Remote Sensing, 2013, 5(1): 202-223.(SCI)

    [28]Yuli Shi, Sungho Choi, Xiliang Ni, Sangram Ganguly, Gong Zhang, Hieu V. Duong, Michael A. Lefsky, Marc Simard, Sassan S. Saatchi, Shihyan Lee, Wenge Ni-Meister, Shilong Piao, Chunxiang Cao, Ramakrishna R. Nemani  and Ranga B. Myneni. Allometric scaling and resource limitations model of tree heights: Part 1. Model optimization and testing over continental USA. Remote Sensing, 2013, 5(1): 284-306.(SCI)

    [27]L. Xu, R. B. Myneni, F. S. Chapin, T. V. Callaghan, J. E. Pinzon, C. J. Tucker, Z. Zhu, J. Bi, P. Ciais, H. Tømmervik, E. S. Euskirchen, B. C. Forbes, S. L. Piao, B. T. Anderson, S. Ganguly, R. R. Nemani, S. J. Goetz, P. S. A. Beck, A. G. Bunn, C. Cao and J. C. Stroeve. Temperature and Vegetation Seasonality Diminishment over Northern Lands. Nature Climate Change, 2013, 3(6): 581-586.(SCI)

    [26]Wei Chen, Chunxiang Cao. Topographic correction-based retrieval of leaf area index in mountain areas. Journal of Mountain Science, 2012, 9(2): 166-174.(SCI)

    [25]C. X. Cao, J. Zhao, P. Gong, G. R. Ma, D. M. Bao, K.Tian, R. Tian, Z. G. Niu, H. Zhang, M. Xu, M. X. Gao, S. Zheng, W. Chen, Q. S. He & X. W. Li. Wetland changes and droughts in southwestern China. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2012,3(1): 79-95. (SCI)

    [24]Chunxiang Cao, Yunfei Bao, Wei Chen, Yongfeng Dang, Lin Li, Rong Tian and Guanghe Li. Extraction of forest structural parameters based on the intensity information of high-density airborne LiDAR. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2012, 6(1): 063533.(SCI)

    [23]Chunxiang Cao, Yunfei Bao, Min Xu, Wei Chen, Hao Zhang, Qisheng He, Zengyuan Li, Huadong Guo, Jiahong Li, Xiaowen Li & Guanghe Li. Retrieval of forest canopy attributes based on a Geomeric-Optical model using airborne LiDAR and optical remote sensing data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010, 33(3): 692-709.(SCI)

    [22]Yunfei Bao, Shengbo Chen, Qinhuo Liu, Qing Xiao, and Chunxiang Cao. Land surface temperature and emissivity retrieval by integrating MODIS data onboard Terra and Aqua satellites. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011, 32(5):1449-1469.(SCI)

    [21]Shushi Peng, Anping Chen, Liang Xu, Chunxiang Cao, Jingyun Fang, Ranga B Myneni, Jorge E Pinzon, Compton J Tucker and Shilong Piao. Recent change of vegetation growth trend in China. Environmental Research Letters, 2011, 6(4): 044027.(SCI)

    [20]Huabing Huang, Zhan Li, Peng Gong, Xiao Cheng, Nick Clinton, Chunxiang Cao, Wenjian Ni, and Lei Wang. Automated Methods for Measuring DBH and Tree Heights with a Commercial Scanning Lidar. ASPRS, 2011,77(3): 219-227.(SCI)

    [19]S. Zheng, C. X. Cao, H. Zhang, M. X. Gao, M. Xu, J. Zhao, W. Chen, X. W. Li. Assessment of Building damage degree using satellite and airborne data in the case of the 2010 Yushu earthquake, China. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2011, 2(2): 141-157.(SCI)

    [18]XU Min, Cao Chunxiang, TONG QingXi, LI ZengYuan, ZHANG Hao, HE QiSheng, GAO MengXu, ZHAO Jian, ZHENG Sheng, CHEN Wei & ZHENG LanFen. Remote sensing based shrub above-ground biomass and carbon storage mapping in Mu Us desert, China. Science in China series E: Technological Sciences, 2010,53(Suppl.I): 176-183.(SCI)

    [17]LUO HuanMin, LI XiaoWen, CHEN ErXue, CHENG Jian, Cao Chunxiang. Analysis of forest backscattering characteristics based on Polarization coherence tomography. Science in China series E: Technological Sciences, 2010, 53(Suppl.I): 166-175.(SCI)

    [16]Huicong Jia, Jingai Wang, Chunxiang Cao, Donghua Pan & Peijun Shi. Maize drought disaster risk assessment of China based on EPIC model. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2011, 5(6):488-515.(SCI)

    [15]Qi-Sheng He, Chun-Xiang Cao, Er-Xue Chen, Guo-Qing Sun, Fei-Long Ling, Yong Pang, Hao Zhang, Wen-Jian Ni, Min Xu, Zeng-Yuan Li & Xiao-Wen Li. Forest Stand Biomass Estimation Using ALOS PALSAR data based on LiDAR-derived prior knowledge in the Qilian Mountain, western China. International Journal of Remote Sensing,2012, 33(3): 710-729.(SCI)

    [14]ZHANG Hao, LI XiaoWen, Cao Chunxiang, YANG Hua, GAO MengXu, ZHENG Sheng, XU Min, XIE DongHui, JIA HuiCong, JI Wei, ZHAO Jian, CHEN Wei & NI XiLiang. Scale Effect of LAI Inversion Based on Environment and Disaster Monitor Satellite. Science in China, 2010, 53(suppl. I): 92-98.(SCI)

    [13]GAO MengXu, LI XiaoWen, Cao Chunxiang, ZHANG Hao, LI Qun, ZHOU Hang, HE QiSheng, XU Min, ZHAO Jian, ZHENG Sheng & CHEN Wei. Spatial prediction and analysis of Himalayan marmot plague natural epidemic foci in China based on HJ-1 satellite data. Science in China, 2010, 53(suppl. I): 8-15.(SCI)

    [12]Min Xu, Chunxiang Cao, Hao Zhang, Jianping Guo, Kaneyuki Nakane, Qisheng He, Jianghong Guo, Chaoyi Chang, Yunfei Bao, Mengxu Gao, Xiaowen Li. Change detection of earthquake-induced barrier lake based on remote sensing image classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010, 31(13): 3521-3534.(SCI)

    [11]CHEN Wei, Cao Chunxiang, HE QiSheng, GUO HuaDong, ZHANG Hao, LI RenQiang, ZHENG Sheng, XU Min, GAO MengXu, ZHAO Jian, LI Sha,NI XiLiang, JIA HuiCong, JI Wei, TIAN Rong, LIU Cheng, ZHAO YuXing & LI JingLu. Quantitative Estimation of Shrub Canopy LAI from Atmosphere-corrected HJ-1 CCD Data in Mu Us Sandland. Science China Earth Science, 2010, 53(suppl. I): 26-33.(SCI)

    [10]CHANG ChaoYi, Cao Chunxiang, WANG Qiao, CHEN Yu, CAO ZhiDong, ZHANG Hao, DONG Lei1, ZHAO Jian, XU Min, GAO MengXu, ZHONG ShaoBo, HE QiSheng, WANG JinFeng & LI XiaoWen. The novel H1N1 Influenza A global airline transmission and early warning without travel containments. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(26): 3030–3036.(SCI)

    [9]Cao Chunxiang, XU Min, CHANG ChaoYi, XUE Yong, ZHONG ShaoBo, FANG LiQun, CAO WuChun, ZHANG Hao, GAO MengXu, HE QiSheng, ZHAO Jian, CHEN Wei, ZHENG Sheng & LI XiaoWen. Risk analysis for the highly pathogenic avian influenza in mainland china using meta-modeling. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(36): 4168-4178.(SCI)

    [8]Chunxiang Cao, Chaoyi Chang, Min Xu, Jian Zhao, Mengxu Gao, Hao Zhang, Jianping Guo, Jianghong Guo, Lei Dong, Qisheng He, Linyan Bai, Yunfei Bao, Wei Chen, Sheng Zheng, Yifei Tian, Wenxiu Li, Xiaowen Li. Epidemic risk analysis after Wenchuan earthquake by using the technology of remote sensing. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010,  31(13): 3631-3642.(SCI)

    [7]Chunxiang Cao, Wei Chen, Guanghe Li, Huicong Jia, Wei Ji, Min Xu, Mengxu Gao, Xiliang Ni, Jian Zhao, Sheng Zheng, Rong Tian, Cheng Liu and Sha Li. The retrieval of shrub fractional cover based on a geometric-optical model in combination with linear spectral mixture analysis. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011, 37(4): 1-11. (SCI)

    [6]Guo, J. P., Y. Xue, C. X. Cao, H. Zhang, J. Guang, X. Y. Zhang, and X. W. Li. A synergic algorithm for retrieval of aerosol optical depth over land[J]. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 2009, 26(5): 973-983.(SCI)

    [5]ZHANG Hao, Cao Chunxiang, LI GuoPing, YANG Hua, LI XiaoWen & QIN Jun. Down-scaling LUCC based on the histo-variogram. Science in China(E), 2009, 52(5): 1348-1353.(SCI)

    [4]Jian-Ping Guo, Xiao-Ye Zhang, Hui-Zheng Che, Sun-Ling Gong, Xingqin An, Chun-Xiang Cao, Jie Guang, Hao Zhang, Ya-Qiang Wang, Xiao-Chun Zhang, Min Xue, Xiao-Wen Li. Correlation between PM Concentrations and Aerosol Optical Depth in Eastern China. Atmospheric Environment, 2009,43(37): 5876–5886.(SCI)

    [3]BAO YunFei, Cao Chunxiang, ZHANG Hao, CHEN ErXue, HE QiSheng, HUANG HuaBing, LI ZengYuan, LI XiaoWen, & GONG Peng. Synchronous estimation of DTM and fractional vegetation cover in forested area from airborne LiDAR height and intensity data. Science in China(E),2008, Vol 51(supp. II): 176-187. (SCI)

    [2]Jianping Guo, Yong Xue, Shaobo Zhong, Chunxiang Cao, Wuchun Cao, Xiaowen Li, and Liqun Fang. Preliminary Study of Avian Influenza A Infection Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, 3993: 9-12.(SCI)

    [1]Jianping Guo, Yong Xue, Chunxiang Cao, Wuchun Cao, Xiaowen Li, Jianqin Wang, and Liqun Fang. eMicrob: a Grid-based Spatial Epidemiology Application. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, 3516: 472-475.(SCI) 


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