


序号 论文(专著)名称 作者 通讯作者 刊物(出版社名称) 卷、期、页 影响因子
1 More protection for China's wetlands Niu Zhenguo; Zhang Haiying; Gong Peng 牛振国 NATURE 卷: 471   期: 7338   页: 305-305 36.104
2 China: Invest Wisely in Sustainable Water Use Gong Peng; Yin Yongyuan; Yu Chaoqing 宫鹏 SCIENCE 卷: 331   期: 6022   页: 1264-1265
DOI: 10.1126/science.331.6022.1264-b
3 Predicting gross primary production from the enhanced vegetation index and photosynthetically active radiation: Evaluation and calibration Chaoyang Wu 吴朝阳 Remote Sensing of Environment 2011,115, 3424-3435 3.954
4 Simultaneous retrieval of aerosol optical properties over the Pearl River Delta, China using multi-angular, multi-spectral, and polarized measurements Cheng T. H.; Gu X. F.; Xie D. H.; 等. 顾行发 REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 卷: 115   期: 7   页: 1643-1652
DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2011.02.020
5 Real-time retrieval of Leaf Area Index from MODIS time series data Xiao Zhiqiang; Liang Shunlin; Wang Jindi; 等. 肖志强 REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 卷: 115   期: 1   页: 97-106
DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2010.08.009
6 Retrieval of canopy height using moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data  Wang Zhuosen; Schaaf Crystal B.; Lewis Philip; 等. 王卓森 REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT   卷: 115   期: 6   页: 1595-1601
DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2011.02.010   
7 Measuring forest structure and biomass in New England forest stands using Echidna ground-based lidar Yao Tian; Yang Xiaoyuan; Zhao Feng; 等. 姚恬 REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT   卷: 115   期: 11   特刊: SI   页: 2965-2974
DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2010.03.019   
8 Reprocessing the MODIS Leaf Area Index products for land surface and climate modelling Yuan Hua, Yongjiu Dai, Zhiqiang Xiao, Duoying Ji, Wei Shangguan 戴永久 Remote Sensing of Environment 115(5): 1171-1187 3.954
9 Estimation of subpixel land surface temperature using an endmember index based technique: A case examination on ASTER and MODIS temperature products over a heterogeneous area  Yang Guijun; Pu Ruiliang; Zhao Chunjiang; 等. 赵春江 REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT   卷: 115   期: 5   页: 1202-1219
DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2011.01.004   
10 Integration of remote sensing data and surface observations to estimate the impact of the russian wildfires over Europe and Asia during August 2010 Mei, L., Xue, Y., de Leeuw, G., Guang, J., Wang, Y., Li, Y., Xu, H., Yang, L., Hou, T., He, X., Wu, C., Dong, J., and Chen, Z 薛勇 Biogeosciences  Vol. 8, 3771–3791. 3.587
11 Exploring the Interplay between Natural Decadal Variability and Anthropogenic Climate Change in Summer Rainfall over China. Part I: Observational Evidence Lei Yonghui; Hoskins Brian; Slingo Julia 雷永荟 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE   24, 4584–4599 3.513
12 Estimating turbulent fluxes through assimilation of geostationary operational environmental satellites data using ensemble Kalman filter  Xu Tongren; Liang Shunlin; Liu Shaomin 徐同仁 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES   卷: 116     文献号: D09109
DOI: 10.1029/2010JD015150   
13 A LUT-based approach to estimate surface solar irradiance by combining MODIS and MTSAT data  Huang Guanghui; Ma Mingguo; Liang Shunlin; 等. 黄光辉 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES   卷: 116     文献号: D22201
DOI: 10.1029/2011JD016120   
14 Improving land surface temperature modeling for dry land of China  Chen Yingying; Yang Kun; He Jie; 等. 陈莹莹 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES   卷: 116     文献号: D20104
DOI: 10.1029/2011JD015921   
15 A physically based statistical methodology for surface soil moisture retrieval in the Tibet Plateau using microwave vegetation indices  Zhao T. J.; Zhang L. X.; Shi J. C.; 等. 赵天杰 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES   卷: 116     文献号: D08116
DOI: 10.1029/2010JD015229   
16 Temporal patterns of thermal emission directionality of crop canopies  Huang Huaguo; Liu Qinhuo; Qin Wenhan; 等. 黄华国 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES   卷: 116     文献号: D06114
DOI: 10.1029/2010JD014613   
17 High-Resolution Aerosol Remote Sensing Retrieval over Urban Areas by Synergetic use of HJ-1 CCD and MODIS Data Yingjie Li, Yong Xue, Xingwei He, Jie Guang 薛勇 Atmospheric Environment Vol. 46, 173-180. 3.226
18 Analysis of surface and aerosol polarized reflectance for aerosol retrievals from polarized remote sensing in PRD urban region  Gu X.; Cheng T.; Xie D.; 等. 程天海 ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   卷: 45   期: 36   页: 6607-6612
DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.06.047   
19 patio-temporal variation trends of satellite-based aerosol optical depth in China during 1980-2008  Guo Jian-Ping; Zhang Xiao-Ye; Wu Ye-Rong; 等. 郭建平 ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   卷: 45   期: 37   页: 6802-6811
DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.03.068   
20 Comparison of aerosol optical properties from Beijing and Kanpur Shupeng Wang, Li Fang, Xingfa Gu, Tao Yu, Jun Gao 顾行发 Atmospheric Environment 45(2011)7406-7414 3.226
21 Evaluating nitrogen removal by vegetation uptake using satellite image time series in riparian catchments Wang Xuelei; Wang Qiao; Yang Shengtian; 等. 杨胜天 SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT   卷: 409   期: 13   页: 2567-2576
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.03.023   
22 ICESat GLAS Data for Urban Environment Monitoring  Gong Peng; Li Zhan; Huang Huabing; 等. 宫鹏 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING   卷: 49   期: 3   页: 1158-1172
DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2010.2070514   
23 Temperature and Emissivity Separation From Ground-Based MIR Hyperspectral Data  Cheng Jie; Liang Shunlin; Liu Qinhuo; 等. 程洁 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING 卷: 49   期: 4   页: 1473-1484
DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2010.2076818   
24 Inversion of a Radiative Transfer Model for Estimating Forest LAI From Multisource and Multiangular Optical Remote Sensing Data  Yang Guijun; Zhao Chunjiang; Liu Qiang; 等. 杨贵军 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING 卷: 49   期: 3   页: 988-1000
DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2010.2071416   
25 An Algorithm for Separating Soil and Vegetation Temperatures With Sensors Featuring a Single Thermal Channel  Zhan Wenfeng; Chen Yunhao; Zhou Ji; 等. 占文凤 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING   卷: 49   期: 5   页: 1796-1809
DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2010.2082555   
26 Sharpening Thermal Imageries: A Generalized Theoretical Framework From an Assimilation Perspective  Zhan Wenfeng; Chen Yunhao; Zhou Ji; 等. 占文凤 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING   卷: 49   期: 2   页: 773-789
DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2010.2060342   
27 Prolonged dry episodes and drought over China  Lei Yonghui; Duan Anmin 雷永荟 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY   卷: 31   期: 12   页: 1831-1840
DOI: 10.1002/joc.2197   
33 A comparison of eddy-covariance and large aperture scintillometer measurements with respect to the energy balance closure problem  Liu S. M.; Xu Z. W.; Wang W. Z.; 等. 刘绍民 HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES   卷: 15   期: 4   页: 1291-1306
DOI: 10.5194/hess-15-1291-2011   
34 Phenological response of vegetation to upstream river flow in the Heihe Rive basin by time series analysis of MODIS data  Jia L.; Shang H.; Hu G.; 等. 贾立 HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES   卷: 15   期: 3   页: 1047-1064
DOI: 10.5194/hess-15-1047-2011   
35 Extension of the Hapke bidirectional reflectance model to retrieve soil water content  Yang G. -J.; Zhao C. -J.; Huang W. -J.; 等. 杨贵军 HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES   卷: 15   期: 7   页: 2317-2326
DOI: 10.5194/hess-15-2317-2011   
28 Improving predictions of Water and Heat fluxes by Assimilating MODIS Land Surface Temperature Products into Common Land Model Tongren Xu, Shaomin Liu, Shunlin Liang, Jun Qin 刘绍民 Journal of Hydrometeorology 2011, 12: 227-244 2.185
29 Improving Predictions of Water and Heat Fluxes by Assimilating MODIS Land Surface Temperature Products into the Common Land Model  Xu Tongren; Liu Shaomin; Liang Shunlin; 等. 梁顺林 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY   卷: 12   期: 2   页: 227-244
DOI: 10.1175/2010JHM1300.1  
30 Angular effect of MODIS emissivity products and its application to the split-window algorithm  Ren Huazhong; Yan Guangjian; Chen Ling; 等. 阎广建 ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING   卷: 66   期: 4   页: 498-507
DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2011.02.008   
31 Transmission and visualization of large geographical maps  Zhang Ligiang; Zhang Liang; Ren Yingchao; 等. 张立强 ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING 卷: 66   期: 1   页: 73-80
DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2010.09.002   
32 A new soil freeze/thaw discriminant algorithm using AMSR-E passive microwave imagery  Zhao Tianjie; Zhang Lixin; Jiang Lingmei; 等. 张立新 HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES   卷: 25   期: 11   页: 1704-1716
DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7930   
36 Updating Conventional Soil Maps through Digital Soil Mapping  Yang Lin; Jiao You; Fahmy Sherif; 等. 朱阿兴 SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL   卷: 75   期: 3   页: 1044-1053
DOI: 10.2136/sssaj2010.0002   
37 Laboratory Calibration of a Field Imaging Spectrometer System  Zhang Lifu; Huang Changping; Wu Taixia; 等. 张飞洲 SENSORS 卷: 11   期: 3   页: 2408-2425
DOI: 10.3390/s110302408   
38 Design and Implementation of a Wireless Sensor Network-Based Remote Water-Level Monitoring System  Li Xiuhong; Cheng Xiao; Gong Peng; 等. 李秀红 SENSORS 卷: 11   期: 2   页: 1706-1720
DOI: 10.3390/s110201706   
39 Coupling Xinanjiang model and SWAT to simulate agricultural non-point source pollution in Songtao watershed of Hainan, China Shengtian Yang et al. 杨胜天 Ecological modelling 222(20-22): 3701-3717 1.769
40 Combining Building and Behavior Models for Evacuation Planning Yanhui Wang, Liqiang Zhang*, Jingtao Ma, Liu Liu, Lixin Zhang, Dongqin You 张立强 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 2011, 31(3), 42-55 1.75
41 Efficient Simplification of Large Vector Maps Rendered onto 3D Landscapes  Yang Ling; Zhang Liqiang; Ma Jingtao; 等. 张立强 IEEE COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND APPLICATIONS   卷: 31   期: 2   页: 14-23
DOI: 10.1109/MCG.2010.63   
42 An inherent-optical-property-centered approach to correct the angular effects in water-leaving radiance  Lee Zhong Ping; Du Keping; Voss Kenneth J.; 等. 李忠平 APPLIED OPTICS   卷: 50   期: 19   页: 3155-3167    1.707
43 Estimation of vertical distribution of chlorophyll concentration by bi-directional canopy reflectance spectra in winter wheat  Huang Wenjiang; Wang Zhijie; Huang Linsheng; 等. 黄文江 PRECISION AGRICULTURE   卷: 12   期: 2   页: 165-178
DOI: 10.1007/s11119-010-9166-5   
44 A high throughput geocomputing system for remote sensing quantitative retrieval and a case study  Xue Yong; Chen Ziqiang; Xu Hui; 等 薛勇 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION   卷: 13   期: 6   页: 902-911
DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2011.06.006 
45 Interactive visualization of multi-resolution urban building models considering spatial cognition  Yang Ling; Zhang Liqiang; Ma Jingtao; 等. 张立强 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE  卷: 25   期: 1   页: 5-24
DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2010.488239   
46 Parallel algorithm for viewshed analysis on modern GPU 方超,杨崇俊,谌卓,郭翰韬   International Journal of Digital Earth Print ISSN: 1753-8947;Online ISSN: 1753-8955 1.453
115 Maize drought disaster risk assessment of China based on EPIC model Huicong Jia, Jingai Wang, Chunxiang Cao*, Donghua Pan & Peijun Shi 曹春香 International Journal of Digital EarthVolume 0, Issue 0, pages 1-28 Volume 0, Issue 0, pages 1-28 1.453
47 Estimation of Snow Water Equivalence Using the Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer From the Cold Land Processes Experiments (CLPX03)  Jiang Lingmei; Shi Jiancheng; Tjuatja Saibun; 等. 蒋玲梅 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS   卷: 8   期: 2   页: 359-363
DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2010.2076345   
48 Grid-enabled high-performance quantitative aerosol retrieval from remotely sensed data  Xue Yong; Ai Jianwen; Wan Wei; 等. 薛勇 COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES   卷: 37   期: 2   页: 202-206
DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2010.07.004   
49 Interactive panoramic map-like views for 3D mountain navigation Hao Deng, Liqiang Zhang, Zhizhong Kang 张立强 Computers&Geosciences 2011, 37(11), 1816-1824 1.416
50 Approximate bottom contribution to remote sensing reflectance in Taihu Lake, China  Ma Ronghua; Duan Hongtao; Liu Qinhuo; 等. 段洪涛 JOURNAL OF GREAT LAKES RESEARCH   卷: 37   期: 1   页: 18-25
DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2010.12.002   
91 A convolution algorithm to calculate differential cross sections of the Ring effect in the Earth's atmosphere based on rotational Raman scattering  Han Dong; Chen LiangFu; Su Lin; 等. 陈良富 SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES   卷: 54   期: 9   页: 1407-1412
DOI: 10.1007/s11430-011-4226-x
92 Stepwise decomposition and relative radiometric normalization for small footprint LiDAR waveform  Qin YuChu; Li Bin; Niu Zheng; 等. 牛铮 SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES   卷: 54   期: 4   页: 625-630
DOI: 10.1007/s11430-010-4120-y 
103 The development of an algorithm to enhance and match the resolution of satellite measurements from AMSR-E  Wang YongQian; Shi JianCheng; Jiang LingMei; 等. 王永前 SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES   卷: 54   期: 3   页: 410-419
DOI: 10.1007/s11430-010-4074-0
51 In-flight polarization calibration methods of directional polarized remote sensing camera DPC  Gu Xing-Fa; Chen Xing-Feng; Cheng Tian-Hai; 等. 陈兴峰 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA   卷: 60   期: 7     文献号: 070702    1.259
52 Theoretical research of Fernald forward integration method for aerosol backscatter coefficient inversion of airborne atmosphere detecting lidar  Liu Hou-Tong; Chen Liang-Fu; Su Lin 苏林 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA   卷: 60   期: 6     文献号: 064204    1.259
53 A comparison of different optimization algorithms for retrieving aerosol optical depths from satellite data: an example of using a dual-angle algorithm Xihan Mu, Qingfeng Shen, Zhao-Liang Li, Guangjian Yan and José Antonio Sobrino 穆西晗 International Journal of Remote Sensing 2011,DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2010.531780  1.188
54 Prior knowledge supported aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrieval over land surface at 500m spatial resolution with MODIS data Ying Wang, Yong Xue, Yingjie Li, Jie Guang, Linlu Mei, Hui Xu and Jianwen Ai 薛勇 International Journal of Remote Sensing Vol. 33, issue 3, pp.674-691. 1.188
55 Validation and analysis of aerosol optical thickness retrieval over land Linlu Mei, Yong Xue, Hui Xu, Jie Guang, Yingjie Li, Ying Wang, Jianwen Ai, Yang Qi,Shuzheng Jiang, Xingwei He 薛勇 International Journal of Remote Sensing Vol. 33, issue 3, 781-803. 1.188
56 Simultaneous Determination of Aerosol Optical Thickness and Surface Reflectance Using ASTER Visible to Near-infrared Data over Land J. GUANG, Y. XUE, Y. WANG, Y. J. LI,L. L. MEI, H. Xu, S. L. LIANG, J. D. WANG, and L. Y. BAI 薛勇 International Journal of Remote Sensing Vol. 32,issue 22,6961–6974 1.188
57 Forest stand biomass estimation using ALOS PALSAR data based on LiDAR-derived prior knowledge in the Qilian Mountain, western China QI-SHENG HE, CHUN-XIANG CAO, ER-XUE CHEN, GUO-QING SUN, FEI-LONG LING, YANG PANG, HAOZHANG, WEN-JIANNI, MIN XU, ZENG-YUAN LI, XIAO-WEN LI 曹春香 International Journal of Remote Sensing 33(3): 710-729 1.188
58 Retrieval of forest canopy attributes based on geometric-optical model using airborne LiDAR and optical remote sensing data CHUNXIANG CAO, YUNFEI BAO, MIN XU, WEI CHEN, HAO ZHANG, QISHENG HE, ZENGYUAN LI, HUADONG GUO, JIAHONG LI, XIAOWEN LI, GUANGHE LI 曹春香 International Journal of Remote Sensing 33(3): 692-709 1.188
59 Prior Knowledge Based Retrieval and Validation of Information from Remote Sensing Data at Various Scales Yong Xue, Xiaowen Li, Zengyuan Li and Cunxiang Cao 薛勇 International Journal of Remote Sensing 33(3), pp. 665-673 1.188
60 Evaluation of Emission from Snow-covered Ground for Passive Microwave Remote Sensing,  L. Jiang, S. Tjuatja, J. Shi, L. Zhang,K. Zhao 蒋玲梅 International Journal of Remote Sensing 2011, 32(19), pp. 1-15 1.188
61 Validation of HJ-1 B CCD VI Products with Spectral Reflectance of Hyperion Meng Jihua, Wu Bingfang, Du Xin, Zhang Feifei, Chen Xueyang, Niu Liming 吴炳方 International Journal of Remote Sensing 2011, 32 (24): 9051-9070 1.188
62 Monitoring of urban heat island effect in Beijing combining ASTER and TM data  Cai Guoyin; Du Mingyi; Xue Yong 薛勇 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING   卷: 32   期: 5   页: 1213-1232
DOI: 10.1080/01431160903469079   
63 Earth Science Applications of ICESat/GLAS: a Review Wang, X.W., X. Cheng, P. Gong, H. B. Huang, Z. Li and X. W. Li. 宫鹏 International Journal of Remote Sensing volume, 32, issue, 23, pp: 8837-8864, doi: 10.1080/01431161.2010.547533 1.188
64 A dynamic Bayesian network data fusion algorithm for estimating leaf area index using time-series data from in situ measurement to remote sensing observations Yonghua Qu, Yuzhen Zhang & Jindi Wang 屈永华 International Journal of Remote Sensing DOI:10.1080/01431161.2010.550642 1.188
65 Atmospheric correction of PROBA/CHRIS data in an urban environment  Zhou Ji; Wang Jinfei; Li Jing; 等. 王金飞 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING   卷: 32   期: 9   页: 2591-2604   文献号: PII 937001285
DOI: 10.1080/01431161003698443   
66 A soil moisture assimilation scheme based on the microwave Land Emissivity Model and the Community Land Model 张生雷 张生雷 International Journal of Remote Sensing 33(9): 2770-2797 1.188
67 Land surface temperature and emissivity retrieval by integrating MODIS data onboard Terra and Aqua satellites  Bao Yunfei; Chen Shengbo; Liu Qinhuo; 等. 陈圣波 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING   卷: 32   期: 5   页: 1449-1469
DOI: 10.1080/01431160903559754   
113 Population spatialization in China based on night-time imagery and land use data  Zeng Chuiqing; Zhou Yi; Wang Shixin; 等. 周艺 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING   卷: 32   期: 24   页: 9599-9620
DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2011.569581   
68 Modified ALV for selecting the optimal spatial resolution and its scale effect on image classification accuracy  Ming Dongping; Yang Jianyu; Li Longxiang; 等. 明冬萍 MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING   卷: 54   期: 3-4   页: 1061-1068
DOI: 10.1016/j.mcm.2010.11.036   
69 Simple method to determine the Priestley-Taylor parameter for evapotranspiration estimation using Albedo-VI triangular space from MODIS data  Yao Yunjun; Qin Qiming; Ghulam Abduwasit; 等. 姚延娟 JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING   卷: 5     文献号: 053505
DOI: 10.1117/1.3557817   
70 Estimation of forest canopy leaf area index using MODIS, MISR, and LiDAR observations  Fu Zhuo; Wang Jindi; Song Jin L.; 等. 付卓 JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING 卷: 5     文献号: 053530
DOI: 10.1117/1.3594171
86 Improving MODIS land cover classification by combining MODIS spectral and angular signatures in a Canadian boreal forest 焦子锑 焦子锑 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing  37(2):1-20 0.962
88 Polarization signature analysis of paddy rice in southern China  Kun Li, Yun Shao, Fengli Zhang, Aimin Cai, Junna Yuan, Ridha Touzi 李坤 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing  37(1):122-135 0.962
114 The retrieval of shrub fractional cover based on a geometric-optical model in combination with linear spectral mixture analysis Chunxiang Cao, Wei Chen, Guanghe Li, Huicong Jia, Wei Ji, Min Xu, Mengxu Gao, Xiliang Ni, Jian Zhao, Sheng Zheng, Rong Tian, Cheng Liu, Sha Li 曹春香 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 2011, 37(4): 348-358, 10.5589/m11-044 0.962
71 Mars Rover Localization based on Feature Matching between Ground and Orbital Imagery  Di Kaichang; Liu Zhaoqin; Yue Zongyu 邸凯昌 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING 卷: 77   期: 8   页: 781-791    0.931
72 Wide Baseline Mapping for Mars Rovers  Di Kaichang; Peng Man 邸凯昌 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING   卷: 77   期: 6   页: 609-618    0.931
73 Automated Methods for Measuring DBH and Tree Heights with a Commercial Scanning Lidar  Huang Huabing; Li Zhan; Gong Peng; 等. 黄华兵 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING   卷: 77   期: 3   特刊: SI   页: 219-227    0.931
74 Remote Sensing Classification Using Fractal Dimensions over a Subtropical Hilly Region  Zhu Ji; Shi Jiancheng; Chu Hanfang; 等. 朱骥 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING   卷: 77   期: 1   页: 65-74    0.931
75 Can Contaminant Elements in Soils Be Assessed by Remote Sensing Technology: A Case Study With Simulated Data  Wu Yunzhao; Zhang Xia; Liao Qilin; 等. 吴昀昭 SOIL SCIENCE   卷: 176   期: 4   页: 196-205
DOI: 10.1097/SS.0b013e3182114717   
76 Point pattern matching based on kernel partial least squares  Yan Weidong; Tian Zheng; Pan Lulu; 等. 延伟东 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS   卷: 9   期: 1     文献号: 011001
DOI: 10.3788/COL201109.011001   
77 Evaluation of EDI derived from the exponential evapotranspiration model for monitoring China's surface drought  Yao Yunjun; Qin Qiming; Fadhil Ayad M.; 等. 姚延娟 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES   卷: 63   期: 2   页: 425-436
DOI: 10.1007/s12665-011-0972-5 
100 Matrix calculation of high-dimensional cross product and its application in automatic recognition of the endmembers of hyperspectral imagary  Geng XiuRui; Zhao YongChao; Liu SuHong; 等. 耿修瑞 SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES   卷: 54   期: 1   页: 197-203
DOI: 10.1007/s11432-010-4074-x
78 Estimation of Overstory and Understory Leaf Area Index by Combining Hyperion and Panchromatic QuickBird Data Using Neural Network Method  Huang Jianxi; Zeng Yuan; Wu Wenbin; 等. 苏伟 SENSOR LETTERS   卷: 9   期: 3   特刊: SI   页: 964-973
DOI: 10.1166/sl.2011.1380   
79 The Preliminary Study on Spectral Response of Different Stresses in Winter Wheat  Luo Juhua; Huang Wenjiang; Zhang Jingcheng; 等. 黄文江 SENSOR LETTERS   卷: 9   期: 3   特刊: SI   页: 1225-1228
DOI: 10.1166/sl.2011.1382   
80 Truncating estimation for the change in stochastic trend with heavy-tailed innovations  Qin Ruibing; Tian Zheng; Jin Hao 秦瑞兵 STATISTICAL PAPERS   卷: 52   期: 1   页: 203-217
DOI: 10.1007/s00362-009-0223-y   
81 Kernel-driven model fitting of multi-angle thermal infrared brightness temperature and its application  Peng Jing-Jing; Liu Qiang; Liu Qin-Huo; 等. 刘强 JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES   卷: 30   期: 4   页: 361-365   0.452
82 Methods for best LAI-detecting band design in remote sensing based on signal simulation  Li Li; Qiao Yan-Li; Gu Xing-Fa; 等. 李莉 JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES   卷: 30   期: 4   页: 339-342    0.452
83 A contextual fire detection algorithm based on observation geometry for HJ-1B-IRS  He Bao-Hua; Chen Liang-Fu; Tao Jin-Hua; 等. 贺宝华 JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES   卷: 30   期: 2   页: 104-+    0.452
84 Monitoring Variance Change in Infinite Order Moving Average Processes and Nonstationary Autoregressive Processes  Chen Zhanshou; Tian Zheng; Qin Ruibing 陈占寿 COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS   卷: 40   期: 7   页: 1254-1270
DOI: 10.1080/03610920903576564   
87 Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth over Bright 1 Land Surfaces by Coupling Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function Model and Aerosol Retrieval Model J. Guang, Y. Xue, Y. J. Li, S. L. Liang, L.L. Mei and H. Xu 薛勇 Remote Sensing Letter 3 (7), 577-584.  
89 Atmospheric Correction Method for HJ-1 CCD Imagery over Waters Based on Radiative Transfer Model  Xu Hua; Gu Xing-fa; Li Zheng-qiang; 等. 顾行发 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 10   页: 2798-2803
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)10-2798-06   
90 从MODIS数据反演粗细粒子气溶胶 王中挺 厉青 陈良富  王子峰  李莘莘  蒋哲   陈良富 光谱学与光谱分析 Vol.31,No.10,pp2809-2813  
93 Use of Ensemble Kalman Smoother Algorithm for the Time-Series Retrieval of Leaf Area Index from Remote Sensing Data  Jin Hua-an; Wang Jin-di; Xiao Zhi-qiang; 等. 王锦地 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 9   页: 2485-2490
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)09-2485-06   
94 Simulation and Analysis of Polarization Characteristics for Real Sea Surface Sunglint  Chen Xing-feng; Gu Xing-fa; Cheng Tian-hai; 等. 顾行发 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 6   页: 1648-1653
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)06-1648-06   
95 Analysis of Lop Nur "Ear" Features in Remote Sensing Image and Its Environmental Meaning  Cai Ai-min; Shao Yun; Gong Hua-ze; 等. 邵芸 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 6   页: 1633-1638
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)06-1633-06   
96 Appilication and Prospect of Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing in Major Natural Disaster Assessment  Wang Fu-tao; Wang Shi-xin; Zhou Yi; 等. 王世新 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 3   页: 577-582
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)03-0577-06   
97 基于HJ-1-CCD数据的地表反射率反演与验证 李莘莘,陈良富,陶金花,韩冬,王中挺,贺宝华 陈良富 光谱学与光谱分析 31卷,第二期,516-520  
98 Fresh and Frozen-Thawed Meat Discrimination Based on FISS Imaging Spectral Data  Zhang Xue-wen; Zhang Li-fu; Huang Chang-ping; 等. 张立福 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 8   页: 2187-2190
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)08-2187-04   
99 Study of Environmental Vegetation Index Based on Environment Satellite CCD Data and LAI Inversion  Zhang Ying; Meng Qing-yan; Wu Jia-li; 等. 孟庆岩 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 10   页: 2789-2793
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)10-2789-05   
101 Study on Using Apparent Spectrum to Retrieve the Inherent Optical Properties of Ocean Water  Zhang Min-wei; Dong Qing; Tang Jun-wu; 等. 张民伟 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 5   页: 1403-1408
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)05-1403-06   
102 Simulation of Polarization SAR Imaging of Ocean Surface  Guo Ding; Gu Xing-fa; Yu Tao; 等. 郭丁 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 10   页: 2643-2646
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)10-2643-04   
104 Study on the Method of Recognizing Abandoned Farmlands Based on Multispectral Remote Sensing  Cheng Wei-fang; Zhou Yi; Wang Shi-xin; 等. 周艺 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS  卷: 31   期: 6   页: 1615-1620
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)06-1615-06   
105 Snow Cover Monitoring Method by Using HJ-1 Satellite Data  Wang Li-tao; Zhou Yi; Zhou Qiang; 等. 王丽涛 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 8   页: 2226-2232
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)08-2226-07   
106 Stereoscopic Remote Sensing Used in Monitoring Enteromorpha Prolifra Disaster in Chinese Yellow Sea  Gu Xing-fa; Chen Xing-feng; Yin Qiu; 等. 陈兴峰 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 6   页: 1627-1632
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)06-1627-06   
107 Investigation and Assessment of Damage in Earthquake in Yushu, Qinghai Based on Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing  Wang Fu-tao; Zhou Yi; Wang Shi-xin; 等. 周艺 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 4   页: 1047-1051
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)04-1047-05   
108 Retrieval and Validation of the Surface Reflectance Using HJ-1-CCD Data  Li Shen-shen; Chen Liang-fu; Tao Jin-hua; 等. 李莘莘 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 2   页: 516-520
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)02-0516-05   
109 Vegetation Water Content Retrieval and Application of Drought Monitoring Using Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing  Wang Li-tao; Wang Shi-xin; Zhou Yi; 等. 王丽涛 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 10   页: 2804-2808
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)10-2804-05   
110 Study on Discrimination of Varieties of Milk Based on FISS Imaging Spectral Data  Huang Chang-ping; Zhang Li-fu; Zhang Xiao-hong; 等. 黄长平 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS   卷: 31   期: 1   页: 214-218
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)01-0214-05   
111 真实海洋表面的太阳耀光偏振辐射特性仿真与分析 陈兴峰,顾行发,程天海,李正强,余涛,谢东海 陈兴峰 光谱学与光谱分析 2011,vol31,no6pp1648-1653  
112 基于RADARSAT-2数据的SAR图像双视向几何校正方法研究  万紫,邵芸,谢酬,张凤丽 万紫 红外与毫米波学报  30(2):167-172  