

宋成运等:A Method for Downscaling FengYun-3B Soil Moisture Based on Apparent Thermal Inertia

A Method for Downscaling FengYun-3B Soil Moisture Based on Apparent Thermal Inertia
作者:Song, CY (Song, Chengyun)[ 1,2 ] ; Jia, L (Jia, Li)[ 1,3 ]
卷: 8  期: 9
文献号: 703
DOI: 10.3390/rs8090703
出版年: SEP 2016
FengYun-3B (FY-3B) soil moisture product, retrieved from passive microwave brightness temperature data based on the Qp model, has rarely been applied at the catchment and region scale. One of the reasons for this is its coarse spatial resolution (25-km). The study in this paper presented a new method to obtain a high spatial resolution soil moisture product by downscaling FY-3B soil moisture product from 25-km to 1-km spatial resolution using the theory of Apparent Thermal Inertia (ATI) under bare surface or sparse vegetation covered land surface. The relationship between soil moisture and ATI was first constructed, and the coefficients were obtained directly from 25-km FY-3B soil moisture product and ATI derived from MODIS data, which is different from previous studies often assuming the same set of coefficients applicable at different spatial resolutions. The method was applied to Naqu area on the Tibetan Plateau to obtain the downscaled 1-km resolution soil moisture product, the latter was validated using ground measurements collected from Soil Moisture/Temperature Monitoring Network on the central Tibetan Plateau (TP-STMNS) in 2012. The downscaled soil moisture showed promising results with a coefficient of determination R-2 higher than 0.45 and a root mean-square error (RMSE) less than 0.11 m(3)/m(3) when comparing with the ground measurements at 5 sites out of the 9 selected sites. It was found that the accuracy of downscaled soil moisture was largely influenced by the accuracy of the FY-3B soil moisture product. The proposed method could be applied for both bare soil surface and sparsely vegetated surface.
通讯作者地址: Jia, L (通讯作者)
Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
通讯作者地址: Jia, L (通讯作者)
Joint Ctr Global Change Studies, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China.
[ 1 ] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China
[ 2 ] Anhui Univ Sci & Tech, Sch Geodesy & Geomat, Huainan 232001, Peoples R China
[ 3 ] Joint Ctr Global Change Studies, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China