

王天星等:Toward operational shortwave radiation modeling and retrieval over rugged terrain

 Toward operational shortwave radiation modeling and retrieval over rugged terrain
作者:Wang, TX (Wang, Tianxing)[ 1,2,3 ] ; Yan, GJ (Yan, Guangjian)[ 1,2,3 ] ; Mu, XH (Mu, Xihan)[ 1,2,3 ] ; Jiao, ZH (Jiao, Zhonghu)[ 1,2,3 ] ; Chen, L (Chen, Ling)[ 4 ] ; Chu, Q (Chu, Qing)[ 1,2,3 ]
卷: 205  页: 419-433
DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.11.006
出版年: FEB 2018
Shortwave radiation (0.3-3.0 mu m) is a dominant component of land surface all-wave radiation budget. Reliable estimation of shortwave radiation throughout the globe is particularly important for an in-depth understanding of global changes. Unfortunately, a large number of existing space-based algorithms ignore the effects of topography by simply assuming that the surface is ideally flat. As pointed out by many studies, such neglect toward topographic effects leads to significant errors in derived radiation. This study proposes a shortwave topographic radiation model (SWTRM) by quantifying solar direct radiation shielding, occlusion of sky radiation, reflected radiation from nearby terrain, and invisibility of certain targets. To drive the SWTRM, an artificial neural network (ANN) approach was employed to generate multiple components of the shortwave radiation budget. The new model was run over the Tibetan Plateau region and used MODIS products coupled with digital elevation data (DEM). Topographically corrected shortwave fluxes were derived by coupling SWTRM and ANN outputs. The results show that: (1) the proposed SWTRM works well over mountainous regions; (2) the ANN-based shortwave model provides reasonable retrieval accuracy (RMSE < 60 W/m(2), bias < 13 W/m(2) for all shortwave radiation components). More importantly, the ANN model can simultaneously provide all radiation components that are indispensable for driving the SWTRM; (3) over mountainous areas, the induced error can exceed 600 W/m(2) for shortwave net flux. Hence, topographic effects cannot be neglected; and (4) topography and solar illumination angle are key modulators in deriving shortwave radiation from space, which control the magnitude and spatial distribution of shortwave radiation over mountainous regions.
通讯作者地址: Yan, GJ (通讯作者)
Beijing Normal Univ, Inst Remote Sensing Sci & Engn, Beijing Engn Res Ctr Global Land Remote Sensing P, Fac Geog Sci, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China.
[ 1 ] Beijing Normal Univ, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China
[ 2 ] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China
[ 3 ] Beijing Normal Univ, Inst Remote Sensing Sci & Engn, Beijing Engn Res Ctr Global Land Remote Sensing P, Fac Geog Sci, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China
[ 4 ] Beijing Forestry Univ, Acad Forestry, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China