

张新等:Modeling Land Use Changes and their Impacts on Non-Point Source Pollution in a Southeast China Coastal Watershed

Modeling Land Use Changes and their Impacts on Non-Point Source Pollution in a Southeast China Coastal Watershed
作者:Zhang, X (Zhang, Xin)[ 1 ] ; Zhou, L (Zhou, Lin)[ 2 ] ; Liu, YQ (Liu, Yuqi)[ 1,3 ]
卷: 15  期: 8
文献号: 1593
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15081593
出版年:AUG 2018
Changes in landscape patterns in a river basin play a crucial role in the change on load of non-point source pollution. The spatial distribution of various land use types affects the transmission of non-point source pollutants on the basis of source-sink theory in landscape ecology. Jiulong River basin in southeast of China was selected as the study area in this paper. Aiming to analyze the correlation between changing landscape patterns and load of non-point source pollution in this area, traditional landscape metrics and the improved location-weighted landscape contrast index based on the minimum hydrological response unit (HRULCI) were applied in this study, in combination with remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) technique. The results of the landscape metrics showed the enhanced fragmentation extent and the decreasing polymerization degree of the overall landscape in the watershed. High values of HRULCI were concentrated in cultivated land, while low HRULCI values mostly appeared in forestland, indicating that cultivated land substantially enhanced non-point source pollution, while forestland inhibited the pollution process.
通讯作者地址: Liu, YQ (通讯作者)
Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
通讯作者地址: Liu, YQ (通讯作者)
Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China.
[ 1 ] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China
[ 2 ] Wuhan Univ, Coll Remote Sensing Informat Engn, Wuhan 430079, Hubei, Peoples R China
[ 3 ] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China